Are you keen on getting that tighter muscle mass and better calorie burn rate alongside a wicked biceps curl?
Chances are you may have heard of the metabolic training regime.
The metabolic workout doesn’t seek to get you miserable as several other guides portray. Just think of the movement as a sacrifice to pay for much greater benefits. Even if you’ll feel sore during and after performing this movement, don’t despair!
And if you’re not sold out on the engaging metabolic training, this guide will show you why you should!
In this extensive workout guide, we’ll be looking at the metabolic training from several angles. We’re closing in on every detail to make adding this exercise to your routine more comfortable.
Make the most of what this guide provides, and burn fat while building muscle without hassle!
Table of Contents
Metabolic Workout – What is it?
The metabolic training is a collection of compound exercises with short rest periods before each set. Most compound movements in the exercise help in strength and weight training.
Burning calories while increasing your metabolic rate is a major focus of this workout. And it doesn’t stop working when you’ve left the gym, making it a great fit for after-burn exercise seekers.
How is the Metabolic Training Different from Regular Isolated Exercises?
Multiple muscle group impact
Regular weight training workouts focus on isolating muscle groups, but the metabolic routine is a different workout. Metabolic movements help build muscles along your shoulders, core, and lower body in one training session.
And the interesting thing about this training movement is that you can target more muscle groups with your preferred plan.
Faster muscle development
Leveraging isolation exercises will help you gain muscle.
But the muscle development you get won’t be as pronounced as what to expect from metabolic movements. Multiple joints and muscle groups get worked through the metabolic exercise designed for that purpose.
Also, metabolic exercises help you gain more muscles faster than isolation workouts. The main reason for this is metabolic exercises allow performers lift more weight over time. Isolation exercises, on the other hand, may not offer such weightlifting support.
The difference causes better muscle hypertrophy, delivering improved mass around your tissues.
Growth hormone release
When you engage in regular isolation movements, don’t expect any growth hormone to aid your muscle development.
But that’s not the case with metabolic exercises.
Studies have revealed a better production of growth hormone from performing metabolic workouts. So, if you’re looking to grow more muscles over a shorter time, this exercise could be a great idea.
Who Should Try This Resistance Training?
People looking to burn more fat
Do you need a fitter, leaner form overall? Or are you an athlete keen on leaner muscle mass? It could be a great deal to consider this training.
Metabolic training uses up fats where they don’t need to be stored in your body. That’s one of the many reasons why people who need lean, fit bodies attempt this resistance training.
If you’re looking to get on your feet with this routine as a newbie, contact a fitness trainer first.
Exercisers targeting more benefits from their regular exercise routine
If your workouts are getting bland and seem not to offer much, the metabolic workout is a great routine-booster. It ranks as an ideal way to boost gains from your workout.
And if you’re keen on leveraging benefits from a more rigorous training workout, consider this movement.
Who Shouldn’t Try This Resistance Training?
Beginners without a solid exercise foundation
If you’re just starting your fitness training regime, it’s best you avoid the metabolic resistance exercise for now.
The movement could be too challenging for your beginner status. And if you’re keen on staying fit for longer, using this as a starter could discourage you from exercising altogether.
People recovering from joints and muscles injuries
If several issues currently plague your joints and muscles, it’s best to get a full recovery before trying this exercise.
Engaging the movement after a long injury layoff could send you reeling once more. And when you’re sure you can engage the metabolic exercise again, seek medical advice before you start.
Exercisers that haven’t gotten a green light from their fitness trainer and physician
There’s a high chance of becoming miserable and abandoning exercises altogether. And one of the easiest ways to fall short of a lengthy fitness campaign is to engage metabolic workouts.
Metabolic workouts place a lot of demands on our bodies, so you need advice before adding this to your routine. Consult your fitness trainer and physician for essential details on how and when to leverage this exercise.
If you’re advised to steer clear of the movement for now, listen to what the experts say.
Where Should You Add Metabolic Training to Your Exercise Routine?
As a finisher
The metabolic training move acts as an excellent finisher for exercises that demand low to high-range intensity.
Finishing up with this routine could be ideal for working more than one muscle group. If you’re targeting multiple benefits from one routine, this has to be a mainstay in your workouts list.
And long after your 30 seconds of rest, you’ll still feel this training working your muscle group.
You need to get expert information before attempting such a combo. After all, the high intensity interval training already demands so much from your cardio system. Applying much pressure with the resistance training as a finisher could be dangerous.
But if you get the heads-up and believe you can complete the move, set it up and get it running!
In the middle of a rigorous fitness routine
If you’ve got personal goals to seriously build a muscle group or two, this training could be ideal mid-routine.
Tough strength training exercises look to target multiple muscle groups, like the p90x. And if you’re keen to build muscle during your calorie burn, it could be great to include this movement.
But be cautious when undertaking this routine. It tasks your upper body and many muscle groups in your body.
Pros and Cons of the Metabolic Training
Several rewards stem from performing metabolic training exercises. Here’s a look at some of the most obvious benefits:
Full tap of the After-burn effect
The metabolic training movement acts as a medium for performers to access the after-burn effect. Through this routine, exercisers can leverage Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (PEOC).
Your body’s metabolism is usually close to or at its peak post metabolic conditioning. When you’re resting during this time, your body taps into its fat stores, seeking energy. The process of PEOC leverages oxygen, which burns fat, to complete this process.
Since metabolic exercises remain in action after you stop working out, your body keeps burning fat.
Some research reveals that the body can burn fat for a day and a half after a high-intensity metabolic workout.
Now if that’s not a benefit, then I don’t know what is.
Tailored combination for wider needs
Do you need a massive combination of exercises to work your upper and lower body at once?
Metabolic movements help you make sure of your full body workout needs without hassle.
You can combine up to a dozen movements in one to form your metabolic routine. For instance, you could bond the following in your metabolic training regime:
- Abdominal exercises, and more
- Calisthenics
- Cardio
- Core muscle exercises
- Full body endurance
- Isometrics
- Muscle endurance
- Plyometrics
- Strength training exercises
Multiple muscle group action almost at once
The full body action potential of metabolic circuit training provides ample explosive power based on its muscle build focus. If you’re looking to develop in multiple areas through one circuit training, this is an excellent choice.
The workout targets upper body and lower body muscles depending on your selection. So, if you’re keen on getting full body benefits, have an expert trainer draw up your metabolic routine.
More effective calorie burning
Several metabolic workout plans work best on mid to high-range intensity exercises. If you’re looking to burn more calories at a faster rate, metabolic exercises offer ample support.
Longer recovery time
Recovering from this exercise could seem like it’s taking forever, particularly if it’s your first time. The longer recovery time attached to this exercise may make it undesirable for several performers.
High rate of soreness
You could get so sore to want to quit the metabolic routine. But if there’s any good advice I can give you, it’ll be to just continue the movement.
A higher rate of soreness tied to metabolic movements means you’ll feel less likely
Not all routines are ideal for beginners (and even intermediates)
When you read this guide through, you’ll notice multiple advisories to visit your trainer and physician.
These aren’t to be taken lightly – visit your trainer and physician before continuing this movement.
And one of the reasons why newbies are advised not to perform this move is glaring. It could make you abandon going on a fitness journey.
Don’t think newbies are most likely to get a short end of the stick, intermediates may fall through too.
Most parts of this routine challenge several areas of your body at once. So, if you know you can’t manage what this exercise demands, consider lighter moves in its place.
Could need several exercise equipment to complete
If you don’t have access to a gym, the metabolic routine could be difficult to complete.
Gym equipment required to complete several movements may be expensive. Even if gym gear isn’t necessary for some movements, they still play a vital role in giving a better result.
Increased chance of injuries
Overexertion is a major cause for concern to fitness enthusiasts. If your work your body more than it can handle, it may give out mid-routine.
The metabolic exercise is no exception, as you can get several muscle tissue worked beyond their limit.
How to Begin a Metabolic Training Routine
If you need metabolic conditioning in your training workouts, an exercise mat shouldn’t be the first thing you grab. Consider getting information from a personal trainer on how best to start this routine.
With advice from a personal trainer, you’ll be able to safely leverage the benefits of a metabolic training regime.
Types of Exercises for Metabolic Routines
- Kettlebell swing
- Squat and press
- Mountain climbers
- Push-ups (all kinds of push-ups are candidates)
- Burpee
- Dumbbell exercises
- Jump squat
- Lunge switch, and many more
- Smart accessories exercises
Step-by-Step Info on How to Build and Perform a Metabolic Workout
- Choose 8 – 12 exercises. If you need even workouts, half of the exercises should focus on your upper and lower body.
- Select the order in which the exercises will follow
- Order the routines to follow an ideal pattern, i.e, upper body, lower body, back, core, shoulders, etc.
- Engage a warm up that’s not shorter than 2 minutes. Some performers could get up to five minute workouts before engaging this routine.
- After performing each set, consider 2 minutes of rest before having at it again.
Examples of Metabolic Exercise
Workout time per set – 30 seconds
Rest time per set – 15 seconds of rest
Sets to complete – 3 sets per session
Workout time per set – 45 seconds
Rest time per set – 15 seconds of rest
Sets to complete – 3 sets per session
Workout time per set – 60 seconds
Rest time per set – 15 seconds of rest
Sets to complete – 3 sets per session
Common Errors to Avoid When Engaging the Metabolic Resistance Training
- Overworking your muscles
- Being too keen on developing one part of your body
- Performing the routine more frequent than required
Is metabolic training the same as HIIT?
Metabolic training does more than high intensity interval training, or HIIT. The focus of metabolic training is to condition several muscle groups at once and reset your metabolism. Such focus aids better fat use, helping you lose more fat in the process.
How often should you do metabolic training?
Several fitness enthusiasts involve metabolic training in their workout as 30 minutes sets every fortnight. Some others adopt this training plan as three 30 minutes workout monthly. Others adhere to what their fitness expert advises.
What is the best exercise to increase metabolism?
Since it has a greater focus on improving the anaerobic and aerobic systems, the metabolic training significantly increases metabolism.
How many seconds of rest is ideal within the metabolic strength training exercise?
Thirty (30) seconds rest at intervals is enough to help relax your muscles during compound metabolic training movements. In some cases, athletes and rigorous workout performers only take 15 seconds rest within each set.
Bottom Line
The metabolic training offers mid to high-level intensity workouts by design. Workouts like CrossFit and HIIT are based on metabolic conditioning for improving body energy systems.
Do you want to build muscle while engaging a tough calorie burn at the same time? The best way to begin your muscle gain, weight loss regime is to engage metabolic training.
Even if this workout ranks high among compound movements, it has a lot to offer your full body.
And if you’re determined to not let your weight loss benefits dip, this could be a way to do it. Aside from offering the potential to burn more calories, there’s so much more on offer!
Add this to your list of compound exercises, and get that muscles workout you’ve always craved!
But before rushing to the gym, don’t forget to consult a physician and fitness trainer for advice. Their expert advice will put you on a path to getting your best body while leveraging top benefits hassle-free!

I started my sporting career at the age of 3 in the preparation of ice hockey. I spent sixteen years playing ice hockey, and I remember the summer preparations today. What are my passions? It is still fitness training, all kinds of workouts and the most important is a healthy lifestyle. You can’t just do a workout without the right way of life. You need to stay curious and listen to your body.