Energy foods are like our compassionate friends. Anytime your spirit slumps or body feels sluggish, energy foods lift you up. For best result, it’s imperative to know which are they and include them in your daily diets. Let’s find out the top 10 contenders in this category.
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There is a reason why your nutritionist chides you to chug a minimum of 4-liter water per day. The H2O not only gives you an instant energy boost but also flushes out toxins like lead and mercury, from your system. There are many who don’t like drinking that much water on a regular basis. You might be one of them. One tip for you- take a large jug of water, put some lemon/apple/ or any tropical fruit slices in it (float some mint leaves as well), keep the jug in refrigerator and voila, in the morning you would get your own fruity-flavored water.
Chia Seeds
Sprinkle chia seeds on your breakfast cereal, toss a handful into a smoothie or sip into any chia drink- you will get strong bursts of energy throughout. The good balance of fiber, fats, and protein in chia seeds made them such strong stimulants, especially for athletes or those sweating it out in gyms. The zinc found in chia seeds releases leptin hormone. This in turn keeps a check on your appetite. Chia seeds also burn fat and control blood sugar level.
Green Tea
Swap your steaming cup of mocha/latte or Java with green tea and it’s guaranteed that you won’t regret it anymore. Of course in the event, you quite relish the caffeine jitter (that too many cuppas do to you), then hang in there. A cup of green tea has only 24-40 mg caffeine in it. Then where it trumps? Green tea has an amino acid called L-theanine.
Whether you are pulling off an all-nighter by making presentation slides or preparing for an impending exam, L-theanine would keep you awake and focused without overdoing it.
Honey is nature’s own elixir. Regardless of whether you put a teaspoon of honey into your tea or prepare honey-glazed chicken for dinner, you would always be treating yourself with the energizing power of honey. A natural source of carbs and sugars, honey is the best alternative of refined sugar or stevia.
[su_quote]If you are deep into work-out, then here’s a nutrition tip for you: have a bowlful of cereal drizzled in honey, in every post-exercise session. This would replenish your muscles with energy and keeps your mood stable.[/su_quote]
Dark Chocolate
Years ago, a group of researchers belonging to the University of Arizona, had conducted research on dark chocolate’s capability as an energy-lifter. And the result they found was full of surprises! Dark chocolate with more than 60% of cocoa can increase both metals as well as physical alertness.
Rich in cocoa, caffeine, tryptophan, and theobromine- dark chocolates would get your heart racing while the nitric acid in it, would keep a check on the blood pressure. But remember, stick to a maximum of two dark chocolate bars in a week.
Quinoa is packed with more proteins than other grain and this makes it a perfect menu for perfect breakfast, mid-day meal, or lunch. The iron in Quinoa fuels your red cells with more oxygen, in order to replenish the muscles. That’s why for gym-goers or athletics, it’s imperative to include quinoa in daily diets. The Riboflavin in Quinoa boosts metabolism- both in brain cells as that of the muscles. So truly it’s a double bonanza for quinoa lovers.
Wild Salmon
Would it sound oxymoronic if I say that- there are healthy fats that can make you “thin”? Yes, there are and salmon graciously has found a sweet spot on that list. Whether you smoke it, toss it on top of a bowl of salad or have it baked with brown rice and veggies, salmon would always improve your vitality. Full of Omega-3 fatty acids, salmon works like a charm to drag your cholesterol down to a healthy level. The protein and vitamin B6 makes it one of the top energy boosters of all time.
Orange is a rich source of Vitamin C and gives you healthy shots of energy within 2 hours of consuming it. The best part? No unhealthy sugar would be there to fatten you up. Fresh orange is also high on folate. Especially for a would-be mother, a daily serving of oranges leads the folate to keep energy intact, while boosting the growth of the baby.
In case you hate eating raw fruits, then make yummy orange juice. Though remember, the liquid form may deprive you of the fiber that can be found in the fruit’s membrane.
Lean Beef
Now dig into your favorite beef steak without any guilt. Do you know that your lean beef roast or hamburger carries an unlimited source of iron? Iron activates your red cells when they are fatigued and in need of a heavy dosage of energy. On the other hand, the gym-freaks would find their common muscle-building buddy in lean beef. Why? Because it’s full of amino acids as well. But do remember one point- it’s advisable not to consume more than 70 grams of beef on a single day.
Goji Berries
Those days are gone when goji berries- the energy-boosting fruits, were only known within the ancient land of China. The antioxidants and nutrients present in goji berries would boost your energy and lift up your mood in a quick span of time. Not only that, do you know that goji berries also support your skin via its beta-carotene? Toss a handful of goji berries in your fruit salad, but dried berries into a smoothie or mix them with your favorite Greek yogurt for utmost nutrition.
Unlike energy drinks that give you temporary energy shots, the above-mentioned foods will keep you healthy consistently. For the best outcome, use fresh, organic products from your local farmer’s market. There are many recipes on the internet that would give you a fair idea about- how to amp up the tastes of energy foods without destroying the nutrients.

I started my sporting career at the age of 3 in the preparation of ice hockey. I spent sixteen years playing ice hockey, and I remember the summer preparations today. What are my passions? It is still fitness training, all kinds of workouts and the most important is a healthy lifestyle. You can’t just do a workout without the right way of life. You need to stay curious and listen to your body.